perjantai 3. toukokuuta 2024

Kvanttitietokone ja salaus

Kvanttitietokoneet voivat mullistaa salauksen. Nyt moni organisaatio kerää salattua dataa valtavia määriä ja aikoo sitten avata salaukset kun kvanttitietokoneista tulee totta.

The US National Institute of Standards and Technology has been calling for proposed “quantum-proof” encryption algorithms for years, but so far few have withstood scrutiny. (One proposed algorithm, called Supersingular Isogeny Key Encapsulation, was dramatically broken in 2022 with the aid of Australian mathematical software called Magma, developed at the University of Sydney.)

The race has been heating up this year. In February, Apple updated the security system for the iMessage platform to protect data that may be harvested for a post-quantum future.

Two weeks ago, scientists in China announced they had installed a new “encryption shield” to protect the Origin Wukong quantum computer from quantum attacks. 

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