perjantai 28. tammikuuta 2022

Amerikalla ei varaa tietokoneisiin

A US Air Force director of ops this week blasted the Pentagon for failing to overhaul its outdated computer IT infrastructure after his work machine apparently took an hour to send an email and completely froze when he tried to use Microsoft Excel.

"I am writing an open letter echoing some recent service member frustrations regarding computers in the Department of Defense. It's titled: 'Fix Our Computers', Michael Kanaan wrote in a post circulated widely on LinkedIn and Twitter.

Kanaan, who is a director of operations at the USAF-MIT Artificial Intelligence Accelerator in Boston, lamented how he and his colleagues are facing an uphill battle trying to do their jobs due to old, slow computers and laptops packed with bloatware. 

Amerikan armeijalla ei ole varaa tietokoneisiin. Kannattaisikohan vaihtaa Linuxiin niin kaikki olisi halvempaa ja helmpompaa. 10 vuotta vanha tietokone kyllä jaksaa pyörittää Linuxia hyvin mutta Windowsilla asiat ovat toisin.

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